Great Things to do in Borneo – Malaysia’s Wild Jungle Island
Mar 18, 2023 By Sean William

Are you looking to explore lush jungles, immerse yourself in ancient cultures, and experience epic wildlife encounters? Then look no further than Borneo, the hidden gem of Malaysia. As one of the oldest rainforests in the world and home to an array of fascinating animals including orangutans, clouded leopards, and proboscis monkeys – there’s a whole host of exotic adventures to be had both on land and sea.

So get packing for a once-in-a-lifetime journey that will take you from sandy beaches to vibrant cities! Keep reading for ten fun things you can do while visiting this incredible locale…

Things To Do In Borneo

Orangutans of Borneo

One of the main reasons people come to Borneo is for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to spot wild orangutans in their natural habitat. Several sites offer opportunities for you to get close up and personal with these remarkable creatures.

Kinabatangan River, Sebauk National Park, Tabin Wildlife Reserve, and the Matang Wildlife Centre are just some places where you can witness these amazing primates in their natural environment.

Sabah’s Great Outdoors

Head to Sabah for an adventure like no other. Here, you can explore lush jungles and admire stunning mountain views from Mount Kinabalu – the highest peak in South East Asia.

There’s also the chance to explore marine life while snorkeling and diving around the island – you might even spot whale sharks! To taste culture, visit some of the local villages where you can learn about traditional customs or sample the delicious local cuisine.

Cultural Experiences

Borneo has a rich cultural heritage and plenty of exciting ways to experience it. The possibilities are endless, from markets and festivals to traditional evening performances or visits to ancient monuments! You’ll find everything from Bajau longhouses in Sabah to Chinese temples in Sarawak. Get ready for an unforgettable journey through time and culture.

Wildlife Encounters

From probosci's monkeys to clouded leopards, Borneo has an incredible abundance of wildlife that you can experience in their natural habitats. Visit the Danum Valley Conservation Area for one-of-a-kind encounters with endangered species such as pygmy elephants and orangutans, or take a night safari to explore the nocturnal wonders of the jungle.

Beaches and Islands

Why not relax on stunning beaches and islands when not exploring Borneo's wild interior? Layana Island is known for its pristine sandy shores, while Mantanani Island is the perfect place to go snorkeling and explore a vibrant underwater world. You can also visit Sipadan Island for an unforgettable dive or head to Gaya Island for beachside yoga.

A Night in Kota Kinabalu

Kota Kinabalu is Borneo’s largest city, and it’s the perfect place to experience a taste of local life. Stroll along the waterfront promenade, shop at the bustling markets, or enjoy dinner in one of the many restaurants and bars in the city. You can also take a ferry out to nearby Tunku Abdul Rahman National Park for an unforgettable day trip!

Things to do in Sarawak

Trek to The Pinnacles

One of the most iconic sites in Sarawak is The Pinnacles – a series of jagged limestone outcrops reaching up to 40 meters high. This incredible landscape can be found deep within Mulu National Park and can only be accessed on a five-day trek.

It’s an unforgettable journey through some of Borneo’s wildest and most remote areas – the perfect way to explore Sarawak’s unique landscapes.

Mangrove Forest Kayaking

For a more relaxed experience, head to the picturesque mangrove forests of Kuching for a kayaking trip. Paddle along the waterways, taking in views of the lush jungle and learning about the local ecosystem. This is a great way to get up close and personal with nature!

Sarawak Cultural Village

Lastly, a trip to Sarawak would only be complete with visiting the famous Sarawak Cultural Village. Here, you can learn all about the history and culture of the Sarawak people in a fun, interactive way. Experience traditional dances, visit replica homes, and even attend cooking classes to taste Borneo!

Deer Cave

Visit the amazing Deer Cave – a two million-year-old limestone cavern in Mulu National Park. Step inside to explore its vast chambers, or head outside and admire the spectacular view of Gunung Mulu from its entrance. Make sure to time your visit right to witness thousands of bats flying out at dusk!

Bako National Park

Head to Bako National Park for a day of exploring the jungle. The area is home to plenty of wildlife, including monkeys, wild boars, monitor lizards, and an array of birds. Take a guided tour to learn more about the local flora and fauna, then stop by one of the many beaches to relax and enjoy the sunset.

Kuching Cat Museum

If you’re a cat-lover, don’t miss out on visiting the Kuching Cat Museum. This unique museum houses over 4000 cat memorabilia worldwide – a must-see for any feline fan!


What kind of adventures can I have in Borneo?

There are a variety of incredible adventures to be had in Borneo. You can explore the Great Forest Park, home to an array of unique wildlife, go white water rafting through jungle rivers and gorges, or dip in some of Borneo’s crystal-clear swimming holes. You can also snorkel and dive off the coast of its sandy beaches or simply relax beneath swaying palms surrounded by glorious greenery.

Is Borneo a great destination for wildlife spotting?

Absolutely! Borneo is home to many unique species of animals and plants. You can take boat trips along the rivers in search of native creatures, visit orangutan sanctuaries and national parks, or go on jungle treks that guarantee sightings of exotic birds, reptiles, and primates. It’s truly a wildlife lover’s paradise!

What else can I do when visiting Borneo?

On your visit to Borneo, you can also sample the local cuisine, shop at colorful markets, learn about indigenous cultures or discover hidden waterfalls. There are so many things to do, and you’ll be spoilt for choice!


Borneo is a unique and fascinating destination with something to offer everyone. Whether you’re looking for an adrenaline-filled adventure, incredible wildlife encounters, or just a chance to escape into nature, Borneo is the perfect place! So start planning your trip today and discover all this hidden jungle island has to offer.